Hot Wheels DIY Valentines Box
If you missed my post on making DIY Custom Hot Wheels Valentines head HERE.
My 4 year olds {that is so crazy saying again} preschool class asked that they make Valentine's boxes for their Valentine party! Since Bo was very adament on having Hot Wheels Valentines, we of course, had to make a matching Hot Wheels Valentine Box.
This isn't anything ground breaking, but if you are want to know how I did it, keep reading!
What you will need:
- Card stock {red, yellow, blue, orange & checkered}
- a shoe box or pre made valentine box {I got mine from Hobby Lobby for a couple dollars}
- Glue
- Scissors
- checked flag {optional}
- Cricut {optional}
First, I measured & cut the card stock to fit onto the sides & top of the box. Boden helped by gluing them on!
I used the font from the template I used HERE to make his name on Canva & transferred that image into my Cricut app to cut out. If you don't have a Cricut you could just print & cut out their name on paper, print just the logo or not put it at all. I think even without a name or logo you can for sure tell it's Hot Wheels themed!
@mrsmumaw Hot Wheels Valentines! #valentinesday #valentines #valentinesbox #diyvalentines #hotwheels #hotwheel #valentines #preschool #pintrestmom #pintrest #boymom #creatorsearchinsights ♬ original sound - mrsmumaw
I used a strip of orange paper to make the loop de loop & hot glued the a car of his choice onto the box!
I let him know that it may mess up the wheels so I encouraged him to choose one he was okay with possibly not working anymore. But, the hot glue peeled right off! No damage at all!
& that was it! Pretty simple Hot Wheels DIY Valentines box! Getting the right colors really make its scream Hot Wheels with or without the name & logo!
If you make one, let me know! I'd love to see! Tag me on Instagram @mrsmumaw