Hot Wheels DIY Valentines Box

2:22 PM

Hot Wheels DIY Valentines Box

If you missed my post on making DIY Custom Hot Wheels Valentines head HERE.

My 4 year olds {that is so crazy saying again} preschool class asked that they make Valentine's boxes for their Valentine party! Since Bo was very adament on having Hot Wheels Valentines, we of course, had to make a matching Hot Wheels Valentine Box.

This isn't anything ground breaking, but if you are want to know how I did it, keep reading!

What you will need:
- Card stock {red, yellow, blue, orange & checkered}
- a shoe box or pre made valentine box {I got mine from Hobby Lobby for a couple dollars}
- Glue
- Scissors
- checked flag {optional}
- Cricut {optional}

First, I measured & cut the card stock to fit onto the sides & top of the box. Boden helped by gluing them on!

I used the font from the template I used HERE to make his name on Canva & transferred that image into my Cricut app to cut out. If you don't have a Cricut you could just print & cut out their name on paper, print just the logo or not put it at all. I think even without a name or logo you can for sure tell it's Hot Wheels themed!

I used a strip of orange paper to make the loop de loop & hot glued the a car of his choice onto the box!
I let him know that it may mess up the wheels so I encouraged him to choose one he was okay with possibly not working anymore. But, the hot glue peeled right off! No damage at all! 

& that was it! Pretty simple Hot Wheels DIY Valentines box! Getting the right colors really make its scream Hot Wheels with or without the name & logo!

If you make one, let me know! I'd love to see! Tag me on Instagram @mrsmumaw

Hot Wheels DIY Valentines | " You're a Wheelie Great Friend" | Car Valentines

1:36 PM

Hot Wheels DIY Valentines 

Hot Wheels DIY Valentines
Hot Wheels DIY Valentines

If you've been following for awhile you know, I LOVE a good Valentine & Valentine Box. I've missed the days of Valentines as the girls have gotten older. But now that Boden is in preschool, I am back at it! We went through what kind of Valentines he would want & he insisted that they be Hot Wheels which is no surprise. He is Hot Wheels obsessed.

Hot Wheels DIY Valentines
Hot Wheels DIY Valentines

Here how I made his Hot Wheel Valentines:

Supplies needed:

-Card Stock 
- Printer
- Hot Wheels for classmates {I got mine at Dollar Tree they were a little over a dollar I think, but check Kroger because they often have them for a  $1 even}
- Glue
- Rubbing Alcohol

Let's get started:

I bought THIS Hot Wheel Valentines template & edited it myself to get the look I wanted & printed it on a thick card stock. 
One thing about me though, I never spell check. & so you will see here it says "You're a Wheelie Friend" instead of "You're a Wheelie Great Friend". The good news for me, these kids cant read but I know some parents were perplexed reading it when it came home haha

Next, I soaked the back of Hot Wheels cardboard packaging in rubbing Alcohol. I am unsure if this is the best way, however, it did work. But, I do wonder now if maybe using a hair drier on the back would melt the glue for it to easily release. If you make these & try that method, comment and let me know how it works or if you used a different method that worked!

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I used hot glue to attach the plastic casing with the car onto the card stock & learned on my first go that probably wasn't the best option. It melted the packaging. As i went on I put very little on it & that seemed to work. I think gorilla glue or something similar would work better!

Hot Wheels DIY Valentines
Hot Wheels DIY Valentines

They came out so cute & he was absolutely floored he had Hot Wheels cars with his face on them! If you have a Hot Wheels lover in your life, for sure make these Hot Wheels Valentines for your sweetheart! 

If you make one, let me know! I'd love to see! Tag me on Instagram @mrsmumaw

Hot Wheels DIY Valentines
Hot Wheels DIY Valentines