Macy's Parade BINGO 2024
Like most Americans, we start our Thanksgiving by watching Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade every year. Let's be honest though younger kiddos have a hard time staying engaged watching with all the commercials & cut-in commentary!
So I made these fun Bingo cards to play while watching the parade a little bit more fun & keep kids engaged in the parade! I did photos instead of words for younger kids who can not read yet! This card is specific to 2021! Don't worry about Bingo markers, you can just use a marker to "X" when you find the float or balloon!

In 2023, I changed it up a bit after a few years ago I had seen The House that Lars Built and saved it then completely forgot about it until it came up in my timehop last year. It was pretty simple to put together, the buildings were just Amazon boxes I had in recycling & used the back of old wrapping paper I had for an all white paper to wrap them!
The taxis I had gotten off Amazon HERE. The balloons I ran around town trying to find. I was able to find some at some grocery stores & at Party City.
As for BINGO, What happens when you win? Well, you could play just for fun & no real prize! Or, maybe you win getting the first piece of pie after dinner or helping Mom with a Thanksgiving dish!
My girls fight over who helps peel the potatoes {one year I am going to remember to buy more peelers} It is up to you how you want to play!
@mrsmumaw Macys thanksgiving day parade breakfast! #thanksgiving #macysthanksgivingdayparade #happythanksgiving ♬ Let's Turkey Trot - Little Eva
I made 4 cards for you to choose from!
To PRINT the Macy's Parade BINGO cards click HERE
or click below.
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