17 Most Used Baby Items That Got Me Through The First Month

10:30 PM

 17 Most Used Baby Items That Got Me Through The First Month

Since this is our third & for myself, don't believe in baby showers after a first baby, I didn't techincally have a registry. I did have one for my own personal use to check things off & for the discount when you get to your due date. Which I highly recommend to everyone to do. That coupon is great to use on the last minute stuff you need or for bigger items. However, I got asked a ton on what to register for & these are things I would put on it & the things that got me through Bo's first month.

Most used baby items

This seat is a lifesaver to take into the kitchen when I am cooking or cleaning & to put in the bathroom while taking a shower. It has 3 different seating positions that will grow with him, too.

This brand of blankets is my absolute favorite. I can't get enough of these. Either used as actual swaddles, a blanket, easy to take with & used to cover while nursing because they are so lightweight. 

This portable shusher is a lifesaver for in the car, in the bouncer or really anywhere. What exactly is it? Exactly what it is called, it's a little speaker that literally just says "shhh" over & over. Sound weird but promise it's a game-changer.

 There are many things I wish I had had with my girls. This is definitely one of those things. As you are nursing, you simply suction this on to the other breast & it collects your let down that would otherwise end up in your bra or breast pad. I am always in shock at what I get after a nursing session. Just a quick note, I have heard this caused some mommas supply to increase by alot, but I have had no issues. 

5. Dockatot

Another game-changer. Much like the boppy it is a safe place to set baby on the floor or bed! I like to place Bo in it & put his activity arch over him!

6. Baby Lotion

This lotion is the best "baby-smelling" scented lotion ever. It has none of the junk you can sometimes see in baby lotions. It luxurious & the best. We use the lotion, soap, wipes & diaper oinment.

7. Muslin Burp Cloths

These burp cloths are a great size & so soft. I keep them all over the house & love them!

8. Como Tomo Bottles

I am pretty much exclusively nursing but the girls & Brandon really enjoy being apart of feeding time. We are still working on his latch, as we find out if we will need to intervene with his small lip tie, so I can get pretty sore and having great bottles that feel like me that we can use when I pump is great. Out of every bottle I have ever seen these are for sure the most like a breast & we have had no issue with air!

9. Wub A Nub

I give these to everyone during their showers. Helps with not losing their paci & helps keep in in their mouth if it keeps falling out because of the weight of the stuffie. They also are so cute!

10. Angelcare Bath Seat

This bath seat doesn't slip or move a bit when placed in the sink or tub. It has a hard mesh so the water gets to baby a good amount.

11. Keekaroo Peanut Changer

I was skeptical about this changing pad. I wasn't sure what the hype was about but everyone kept telling me it was worth it. They were right! It great because it's completely wipeable & it's super soft & comfortable. The first week we had it downstairs to change him. It's great how portable it is & learning to change boy diapers, the ability for it to be waterproof & wipeable was a plus! LOL

12. Owlet Sock Monitor

Listen, third child in & my anxiety is still there. We had breathing issues with Kennedy as newborn & she had to be put on an apena monitor. This really puts my mind at ease. To be clear, it is not an alternative to safe sleep but to be used along with safe sleep practices. The app has great features & tracks babies sleep.

13. Vava Nightlight

Okay, as crazy as it sounds this is probally my most favorite item for at least the first month. Brandon is obviously working & waking up to nurse in the middle of the night I don't want to turn on all of the lights & wake him up or fully wake up Bo. This little light is portable, so I can take anywhere, but it's all touch/tap. You tap the top to turn it on, hold down to dim it to be brighter or darker & double tap to turn it off. 

14. Snoo

Another item everyone kept telling me was worth the price tag & hype.I was so skepitcal but ya'll it's a lifesaver. I am not going to get into it all here because I am going to do a whole post with my review that I will come back & link here. But, if it is in your budget... yes it's worth it. 

15. Hatch 

We keep the hatch in his nursery. It's a nightlight and sound machine in one. When I go in there to rock him, this sound machine is the bomb & unlike any other sound machine I've used before. It also has touch/tap feature you can set but the best part is you can control it all from my phone. 

16. Mamaroo

What would I do without this sucker? Every setting he loves, it has a great heartbeat sound & it also can be controlled by your phone. I can turn it off from across the room, turn up the speed or turn up the sound. 

There you have it! What are some items that you swear by during this time? I will do another post just like this at 3 months!