17 weeks today!
& I wanted to do still do these since I did with kennedy!

Here is my 17 week update with Kennedy: HERE

How Far Along: 17 weeks today!

How Big is The Baby:  as big as an onion

Total Weight Gain: technically nothing, from my first OB appt I have lost ALOT with being so sick, but I am up ONE pound, so as soon as I get over my weight from my first appt is when they count it as weight gain!

Maternity Clothes:  I did buy 2 shirts from love21 it doesnt look like a maternity shirt but i have worn it!

Sleep:  not losing any due to pregnancy besides to pee a couple times maybe, just cause of bug being so sick

Gender:soon we will know!

Movement: I felt something last week, a flutter; it was amazing.

Food Cravings: a local restaurant munchies mm.. all the time its all i want! 

What I Miss: nothing

What I'm looking forward to:finding out the gender! & getting my cervix length check on friday! Ill do a whole post about incompetent cervix & what I have learned & about mine!

Milestones:  2nd tri!

for you view pleasure:
my point & shoot sucks. 
Im alot bigger than last time, but then again I am fatter then last time haha
Here I am with Kennedy at 17weeks!