Hello Our Journey readers!!!!
I am Ashley from over at Life As I Know It. Tara has asked me to do a guest post for you and I was absolutely honored!! This will be my first official guest post for someone else, so bear with me! So let's hope you enjoy this! It will be a little different from what you are used to because M and I do not have any children of the human kind, just fur babies!! Hopefully one day our family will be blessed with a human baby, but in the meantime, we are content with the furry kind!
I will start off with introducing myself. I am a Canadian blogger, happily married to my husband (Mike) of almost 4 years, although we have been together for 10!! Yup, a whole decade! We have 2 golden retrievers (Lily and Gracie) and 3 cats (Binx, Jazz and Lux). I work as a medical assistant/cardiology technician. I have a few hobbies, which include photography, shopping ( I love getting good deals) and I am novice sewer. My husband works for our family business in farm drainage and he also a volunteer firefighter. Our days can go from quite simple and normal, to M running out the door to tend to an emergency, you just never know because he is on call 24/7. I sure do love my hero!!
M and I are living in our second house, and we are right in the middle of renovations right now! Who doesn't love a good renovation? Well actually, for me I love the idea of planning new things and redecorating, but when it comes down to the actual reno... how quick can we get it done? Right now, my closet is in my dining room, as M is making me a walk in closet for our master bedroom. We also just created main floor laundry which I am pretty pumped about!! We will be setting our home office up downstairs where the laundry room was soon. Waaay too much going on at once in this household I tell ya! Feel free to pop by our blog and take a look at what we have going on and what we have done in the past. We have basically been going room to room throughout the house, putting our touches on everything as we go!
Other than our current renovations, our life pretty much revolves around our pets. Lily is 3 and suffers from hypothyroid, which has been a constant frustrating battle and Gracie will be 2 shortly!! We enjoy spending our weekends boating down at the lake whenever we can get down. M and I play co-ed lob ball together and M also plays on a men's league.
We do LOVE travelling!! We try to get out of Canada at least once a year. We have really taken to Dominican Republic!! We went there for our honeymoon and not only fell more in love with each other, but we fell in love with this country. We just went back again this past winter and it was absolutely AMAZING!! Highly recommend it!!
I will finish this post up with thanking Tara for inviting me on over to share a bit of my world with you!!! Feel free to pop by my blog sometime and say hello!!!
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