I have gotten so many questions so far. Some of them were difficult to answer. I will be doing a few at a time. Here are 5. Keep them coming, remember you comment,email or ask HERE, I am loving answering them!

-the heartbreak. as much as it brings joy so so much joy, it brings so much heartbreak. I think of when she will get her heart broken, maybe break a bone, lose someone close to her, her dog dies; & it breaks my heart that she will feel that pain. The heartbreak of seeing my baby hooked up to machine was the worst feeling in the world, when she got her first shots just 2 weeks ago, was awful. I am sure as she gets older this answer will change a bit, it will be about her clothes when she is 16 or when she is 4 doesn't want to share her toys, but I think the heartbreak will always be the hardest part of motherhood.

-{this is going to be a long one}first off, whoever asked this. Thank you for asking it. I remember wanting to ask so many times, & until I got into the blog world I thought I was so alone. Until I actually started coming out about it on FB my inbox floods with messages from people I had no clue were going thru these things, & I love that they trusted me, to come to for questions. But, on to the question. My advice is obviously none of a professional & will differ from what kind of fertility issues you are dealing with. But, first & for most. DON'T GIVE UP! I know it sucks, I know its hard, I know you just want to throw in the towel. I am not saying every single person trying is going to end up with my ending, but I am so glad I tried & tried. & at the end of the day you want to be able to say we tried everything we could to get to our dream. As for miscarriages, if you have gone through one, sister..I am sorry from my heart of hearts, my heart aches for you. My advice is not going to be all the hype on moving on & forgetting. You won't. I still think about my babies, everyday. EVERYDAY. But..I can tell you, it will get easier. It may not be tomorrow it may not be in 6 months but it will. & I will say the same thing don't give up. As for both issues, talk about it. My first miscarriage I didn't talk about til almost a year later. It is the worst thing to do I think, talk about your baby. That in itself is healing power for me. Even if you make a blog that no one knows about, or write in a journal. It will help. & remember you aren't alone & there is tons of people that will be there for you. Like me :) {email me!}

-talk about a toughy. Originally I wanted to have another asap I am talking 6 weeks after, my fertility would be at it's peak & should ovulate which would be a  huge change in my life, to get pregnant within a month or so..could it be possible? I would love so many kids, or just 2. But, it doesn't seem as tho I will not have anymore. You can read about that HERE. I am having such a hard time with this. I have rebated not going back in April to possibly hearing that I defiantly can't, & just trying anyway around the middle of the year. My tissue/cervix won't be as weak as if we would wait a year or so. But, I don't know if I can be selfish knowing there is a chance I could miscarry. I know I can't handle another, emotionally let alone physically. But to cut to the chase, we arethinking about not going to my appt trying before the end of the year, if it results in a miscarriage; we are done. Never again, I got my miracle thats all we need. If we def do try I need to be prepared for a pre-mature birth & all it entails, can I be selfish knowing he/she maybe pre-mature? Or could I be blessed with a full-term baby by another miracle? I am worthy of another? everything is so uncertain with my dang babymaking parts; such a good question unfortunately I am not all that positive on the answer.

-I first started blogging as a way to keep my family up to date on Brandon  & I, it first started about our wedding, then I started reading other blogs about difficulty TTC & other women who had miscarriages, & it took off from there. 
-YES, I love being a stay at home mom. I hadn't worked about 1 & a half years before having Kennedy, I watched a child at our home, I went back to work about 2 weeks into my pregnancy & I could no longer work while pregnant. I have always want to be a at home mom, I love the cleaning, the diapers, the meal planning, making sure everything is ready for my husband before he goes to work {coffee,clothes, lunch made ect} Brandon works his butt for me to stay home, so I try to my  best to make our home my work!